Website dedicated to SONY Cinema Line cameras such as Venice, Burano, PXW-FX9, ILME-FX6, ILME-FR7, ILME-FX3 and ILME-FX30.
A personal message from the founder of this company:
I am passionate about filmmaking and have been a camera operator, producer, editor and director of documentaries and films for the past 30 years.
Today's offerings in camera equipment and lenses are truly amazing compared to 30 years ago.
Following the careers of my customers, many of them film student graduates, gives me great pleasure.
It is interesting to see them evolve from corporate video makers, to making short movies, to creating TV and film productions.
In March 2023, after much thought I have decided to open the Belgian affiliated website of European Broadcast Distribution Network Ltd, Ireland.
I sincerely hope this webshop/website will not replace the personal contacts and meetings made possible in our location in Brugge, Belgium,
but rather that it might help some of you to quickly choose and order a fine selection of cameras, lenses and accessories.
SONY VENICE, BURANO and SONY PTZ products are available for purchase by appointment only.
The website is in English because the EBDN/Creative Ventures community has become a PAN European experience.
I travel a lot between our 2 offices in Ireland and Belgium. Irish customers can call me on 085 862 95 05
Friendly regards, Stefaan
The best advertisement is you, our customer. We don't pay for google ads. We don't have a fancy showroom.
You might get a coffee when you visit. Low prices guaranteed.
Our sales team consists of freelance camera people that use the Sony Cinema Line cameras themselves. Having first hand experience allows us to recommend the equipment best suited to your needs.
Our main education/training and workshop location is in County Kerry, Ireland. In Belgium, our showroom is available by appointment only.
Our new customers tend to be referrals from previous ones. In this way, we have created a community that is a great source for sharing knowledge and renting out equipment. We have low overhead costs that make our low prices possible.
September / October / November
Astro Photography Workshops in Kerry Dark Sky Reserve Ireland. Subsidised Education Equipment / Accommodation / Workshops available.
Contact: Stefaan on
This is a B2B - Business To Business website and webshop.
All prices on the webshop are exclusive of VAT. All non-Belgium EU VAT registered customers can buy INTRACOM without VAT.
All customers from Belgium with a valid VAT/BTW number will receive an invoice with an additional 21% VAT/BTW.
Burano Production Rental Community
Most of our clients are FX3/FX6/FX9 operators. During a recent BURANO workshop the idea came about to develop a BURANO community. Starting in May we will offer 48 production rental packages. For 2400 Euro you can rent a BURANO for 24 days.
We will have 12 BURANO cameras on hand to facilitate this service. Production extension packages for extra 24 days will be made available. This service will be made available at the start to 48 operators. More updates will be posted.
Special Offer @ 5195 Euro
The Laowa Ranger Sets are now available.
We have received multiple shipments and have now shipped all pre-orders/backorders. From today onwards we accept orders with allocated quanttiy per EU country. At this moment we only sell the two lens sets in the case AND with E-mount adapter. This offer is only valid for customers who bought a SONY Cinema Line camera from us.Email:
Our next S-Log / Cinetone - DaVinci Resolve X-OCN / ACES workshops are planned on the following dates:
KERRY / IRELAND : March 11-12 & 14-15
CORK / IRELAND : March 18-21
BRUGGE / BELGIUM : April 8-9 & 11-12